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Online Communities for Smoking

Best Online Communities For Smoking

People love smoking; they smoke anything from cigarettes to things that we cannot talk about due to legal reasons. But more importantly, people who like smoking, often like smoking together. Because of this, it’s not hard to find out that a ton of wallflowers out there got together and started making the best online communities for smoking.

We know of one place that we frequently visit and love taking part in, and that’s our Facebook page. Not trying to come in here and get more people to check us out, but it’s a great way to interact with us on the regular and then you can always come in and hang out if you’d like!

Quit Smoking (No Fun Zone) – First off, if you are trying to quit, there

are a ton of online communities who need help quitting and want to find out how. This is a great place for those of you who want to live a healthier lifestyle without smoking. If you choose this option, kudos, and I hope you remain tough enough to stick with it.

Smoking Online

There are countless vaping communities online, but we are going to pick 2.

Vaping underground – My personal favorite, vaping underground. This is a cool place for those who are wanting a bit more of a lively area. They organize meet ups and hang outs and like all communities advocate for more vaping rights.

Hookah Forum – Coming straight out of 2005. This Geocities knock off will not only be a great hit of hookah knowledge, but also a straight bong blast of nostalgia for those who were messing around Angelfire and other websites!

Hookah Pro – Hookah Pro has a much more modern aesthetic to you, but it’s filled with tons of media and people to watch while you’re having a smoke session. Great place to view hookah tips.

Smoking online!

Seriously Let’s Talk about Reddit. If you don’t know what Reddit is yet, I don’t know how you haven’t been there. Reddit is a user based community that votes up and down information. So it’s great for rigging elections and advocating knowledge. Which is why it can be detrimental. That being said, their communities are huge and amazing.

/r/vaping - /r/vaping is one of the places that I learned a ton about Vaping. The information is much easier to process without much need for formatting, and the community is super nice.

/r/hookah - /r/hookah is legit how one of my friends bought their first hookah. Back when I didn’t know anything they had buyer guides and informational tips that helped inspire our blogs about hookah.

/r/trees – This is probably one of the most famous subreddits, and it’s not because Snoop Dogg is the moderator there. This is a great place with their online tv station where they upvote community videos.

Sessions Smoke Shop loves hanging out online and checking out cool communities with fun videos to hang around and have a good time watching. Often we will be browsing some of these sites while it’s slow in the shop. So if you ever have a cool place online, send us a link or let us know, we love seeing new communities!


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